I finished the requests for documents about a month and a half ago. I have received quite a few. However, there are several outstanding. I should probably start following up with the agencies that have not sent me anything.
Following is a list of documents I have:
Birth – Domenico
Missing: Death
Birth – Henriette
Missing: Death
Louis – Marriage
Missing: Death
Elva – Birth (missing Apostille)
Missing: Death
Josephine #1 – Marriage
Missing: Birth, Death
Samuel: Birth
Josephine #2 – Marriage
Missing: Birth
Michael: Birth (missing Apostille)
Anthony: Birth, Marriage (both missing Apostille)
Sarah: none yet
Axa: none yet
Raj: Birth
So I’m missing Elva’s death certificate, which Josie requested for me, but has not yet arrived. Once it does, I can send all the California documents together for Apostilles.
The other huge shipment I’m missing is the birth and death certificates from Utah. I have the marriage certificates. I fear that there has been some mistake, since I were having them sent directly to the Lieutenant Governor for their Apostilles.
There are two other issues. The first is that for Henriette and Domenico’s marriage, no record exists. I am attempting to substitute the marriage record from the Mormon church. They sent me a letter to the effect that Henriette and Domenico were married on October 17, 1868 in Salt Lake City Utah. However, it contains no more information than that. I think I’d rather it not, since they misspelled everyone’s names dreadfully, and Harriet even put that she was born in 1833, a full six years before her true birthdate. I think it would be wise to have a notary go with me to archives and certify the signature, though, so that I can have the document Apostilled. The same goes for Elva and Louis on their birth records. I think we can be OK if we do that.
The second issue is Domenico’s naturalization. All I have so far is the letter from the very kind Mr. Singer stating that the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah doesn’t have any record of his naturalization. Once I receive Domenico’s death certificate, I will be able to apply for the same thing from the USCIS, but I’m fairly certain it won’t reach us before we leave for Italy. Still, all in all, I’m pretty happy with what I’ve gotten so far.