Wonderful Alicia called Bruna at the Centro Migrante yesterday. Bruna confirmed that there does not exist a Permesso di Soggiorno that I can get, but that it’s not a problem, since in a few months Tony will be a citizen, and then I’ll be able to apply as the wife of an Italian. She even called the Capo di Polizia (Head of Police) at the Questura, and he said I should just stay without Permesso di Soggiorno and apply when Tony’s citizenship is recognized. He said there’s no way I will have any problems because Tony’s applying for citizenship.
So this is weird. I am here illegally with the blessing of the Authorities. It’s a temporary condition, but I still feel bizarre. Maybe it’s the lingering effects of having worked for an immigration attorney in the States, and wondering how people got themselves in these situations. Now I’m in a situation. But everyone says everything will be fine, and I shouldn’t worry at all. So I guess I’ll stop worrying.
I’m not sure if I can in good conscience recommend this course of action to anyone else. I just sort of assumed what we wanted to do was possible. I imagine sometime they’ll come up with a solution for cases like ours, however. And in the meantime, everyone just courteously and patiently works around the rules.
The funniest comment is one Silvia (our helpful friend from the Anagrafe in Saluzzo, who has invited us over to dinner for next week) made in an email to Tony after he told her what Alicia said:
“Anyway I would have told you the same thing as your friend at Centro Immigrazione… DON’T WORRY. Now you have your receipt, but even if Sarah and the kids don’t have anything, NOBODY WILL EVER ASK YOU TO SHOW YOUR DOCUMENTS (I mean police or whatever). You’re from the USA, this is enough.”