Four Birthdays, Four Different Countries

Four years ago today, my little man was born.

Here he is, newly born in Vancouver, Washington. Fortunately for me, four years later he’s still as snuggly as a newborn. He also still enjoys twirling my hair in his fingers, which he used to do when he was nursing (I’m told that my little brother Jesse did this until he was seven). I guess I still think of him as my baby, since he’s the closest thing I’ve got. But I’m forced to admit that at four years old, he is growing up. These past few years have been quite adventurous for our family. I realized as we were planning Raj Dominique’s birthday that he has celebrated each of his birthdays in a different country. Here’s a picture of him on each of his  international birthdays:

Raj turned four in Hammamet, Tunisia. We spent the morning of his birthday today playing in the warm Mediterranean with his new inflatable boat.

Raj turned three in Mullingar, Ireland. For this birthday, Raj requested that we play the game of bobbing for apples at his family birthday party. He spent ten minutes trying to get that apple, and succeeded at last.

Raj turned two in Fallbrook, California. This was the only birthday we were in the United States, and he was rewarded by a visit from the grandparents and his very own tricycle.

Raj turned one in Saluzzo, Italy. I realized as I was putting this together that we had actually celebrated his birthday in Italy a day early. On his actual birthday, we flew to London. So I guess he’s had four birthdays in FIVE different countries. Here he is on his real first birthday, trying to get us both wet in front of Buckingham Palace.

Happy birthday, Raj. We’ll see how long we can keep up the international birthday tradition.

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