Conference Weekend

It’s been rather startling during the past couple of weeks to have so many people I hadn’t seen in years tell me face to face that they’ve been avidly following my blog (not to mention chide me for not posting much lately). Sometimes I forget that this blog is a fairly public personal journal. Also, sometimes when I tell a funny story as I’m catching up with old friends, I realize I’ve told it before, just not in person. Ah, well.

We had a lovely Conference Weekend. One of the nice things about being back in the States is that we can watch Conference in real-time and it’s not the middle of the night. I don’t know which I look forward to more: listening to the speakers or the Tabernacle Choir. So here’s my version of General Conference Highlights: My favorite musical numbers were Consider the Lilies and I Feel My Savior’s Love. And my two favorite talks were Elaine Dalton‘s message to fathers and David Bednar‘s talk on helping young people to do genealogy.

Another great thing about being here for Conference was spending the weekend with family. On Saturday, we attended a Familia-side wedding and caught up with Tony’s side of the family. And on Sunday, we went with my parents to my Grandma’s house for a mini Bringhurst reunion. All the little cousins are growing up, just like my kids, I guess.

2 thoughts on “Conference Weekend

  • October 4, 2011 at 7:29 am

    Awesome. I am enjoying reading about your transition to the US and I wish you would post more often, too.

  • October 3, 2011 at 12:50 pm

    I think so many people avidly follow your blog because you’re such an excellent writer. Even my Grandma, who doesn’t read blogs, asks about you and what you’ve most recently posted about. She frequently tells me she thinks you should submit articles to magazines as a side job.


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